Tag Archives: Bealtaine

Bealtaine Festival at Uisneach

Uisneach Fire Festival

Last year when I was researching the Celtic Festival of Bealtaine, I learned about the fire celebration that takes place in Uisneach in County Mullingar. I’m crazy about triple spirals (triskele) and I love a good fire, so when I saw the photographs of triskele with flames (!!) well the Uisneach Festival was immediately put […]

Bealtaine – a Celtic Fire Festival

One of the most significant dates in Celtic times was the Festival of Bealtaine. Around May 1st is when the ancient festival of Bealtaine (also called Beltane) took place, about halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Like many other Celtic festivals the date has an agricultural significance as it symbolised the start […]