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This Circle of Light design is one of Tracy’s favourites designs to date. Tracy has always been fascinated with light and how it influenced art and sacred sites in ancient Ireland. The collection is inspired by the sun and its importance to Celtic life. Sites like Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and Loughcrew and many other neolithic sites around Ireland often inspire Tracy to create new designs as they are influenced by the sun and sunlight. At different times of the year, the sun shines through these sites to amazing effect and proves how important the sun was to the ancient Irish. Tracy likes to incorporate this into her contemporary designs and to recreate the magic of the light as seen through the eyes of the old Irish.

The meaning behind the Circle of Light Collection is as follows: a golden citrine (semi-precious gemstone), representing the sun, bursts from the centre of each piece and is at the centre of 8 celtic spirals that each symbolise a Celtic Festival in the calendar year.

Each spiral symbolises one of the eight Celtic Festivals: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Eostre, Beltaine, Litha, Lughnasa & Mabon.

The contrast between the golden colour of the citrine and the silver in the domed piece is very striking. These pieces are meticulously crafted by Tracy in Dublin, Ireland with love of Irish roots, history and folklore. Each piece comes with a story card explaining the meaning of the piece and each piece is hallmarked in the Assay Office at Dublin Castle.

The Circle of Life Collection is also available in the British Museum’s Grenville room and other selected retailers.

Circle of Light

Circle of Light earrings


Circle of Light

Circle of Light pendant


Bracelets & Charms

Circle of Light bracelet
