Mothers Day is on Sunday the 11th of March this year just in case it’s not on your radar. Luckily enough, I have a ma that reminds me every year of when Mothers Day is, just in case I forget 🙂
Out of my many roles in life, I find the job of being a Mammy the most intense, the most frustrating and by far the most rewarding. I am a mammy to a boy (6) a girl (just gone 8) and two dogs without any manners (Bronson is currently eating his kennel as I type – the mind boggles!) so I laughed out loud when I read the quote above from the writer Mark Twain.
I think we have all caused our mothers some form of trouble and with that it’s nice to say “thanks Mam!”. I’m still a very big fan of a handmade card, a drawing or a loom band bracelet but for those of you looking for something a little more substantial for your Mam or perhaps for yourself in recognition of the trouble you are enjoying (??), here are some ideas….
Children of Lir pendantChildren of Lir silver pendant by Tracy Gilbert Designs
Simple and elegant and symbolising Love & Dedication, this pendant is sure to be treasured as a gift. Each piece comes with a card explaining the meaning, so your Mammy is in no doubt that she is adored.
Celtic Heart pendant
This sterling silver pendant comes in a range of sizes and carries the meaning of Eternal Love. Each piece from the Celtic Heart Collection comes with a card explaining the meaning of the piece.
Mother and Child Pendant
The Mother and Child Collection was designed recently for a local exhibition celebrating the most beautiful of stained-glass windows designed by the Irish designer Harry Clarke. It’s a reminder that despite the trouble you may have caused or are causing, the bond of Mother & Child is rarely broken.
Circle of Light pendant
The Circle of Light pendant is all about the sun and we all know that our Mammies are at the centre of our universe. The other upside to this beautiful design is that the golden citrine at the centre of the piece has natural properties of increasing energy…… hmm a sparkly gift with a bit of energy thrown in for good measure – yes please!!
No matter what you are doing on Mothers Day, take the time to be grateful for your Mammy (even if she’s causing the odd bit of trouble herself LOL!) and enjoy the day whether you are are mammy to fur babies or to an army of kids.